Saturday, July 18, 2009

Existence Is Subjective

The greatest absurdity one can commit is to state with any assurance that he or she does in fact, exist. I am an expert in non-existence. I've passed through the portals of Academia and had my skin so thoroughly removed in the process that my non-existence is now firmly blended with my sense of non-reality. As a result I've learned that freedom means nothingness. I do not exist therefore I cannot be contained. I am not visible, therefore I cannot be defined. Everything is within my reach. All things, because they are not real, are within my grasp. I can have it all and give up none of it. I am and become by not being and never becoming. I simple am (not).

I invite others who don't exist, who adhere to the spiritual and metaphysical truth of nothingness as a defining moment of non-existence, to post their irrelevant and meaningless musings here for the perusal and chewing of various interlopers, passersby, and academics. In nothingness there is freedom to be.

THE GREAT NOTHINGNESS LOVES YOU (but does it really matter?)


  1. Billzebub cometh.

  2. "Ex nihilo nihil fit" Out of nothing comes nothing, I am nothing and that proves there's nothing else either.

  3. You are wise to see that nonexistence is the ultimate freedom.

  4. Rule A: Don't.

    Rule A1: Rule A doesn't exist.

    Rule A2: Do not discuss the existence or non-existence of rules A, A1, and A2.

    R. D. Laing
